Today its the 25 November 2007. Been reading the news from the mainstream and not so mainstream. I am very concerned for the well-being of my beloved Nation. First there was a group calling themselves Bersih demanding for free elections. As if the elections were never free i.e. it have always sided with the government of the day and not them. And yet they never say anything when they do win. All they do say "It is God's Will!", "The People has Spoken!" and when they do not? "PHANTOM VOTERS!" etc etc etc.
All I can say is if there was actually phantom voters, or vote rigging it only means that either their representative has not a good job or that their representatives themselves cannot be trusted. Having been actually involved in the election process and machinery I cannot see anyway that a vote can be rigged. Monitored, yes i.e. the vote is not confidential but rigged, unless they are David Blaine or David Copperfield, I do not see how.
Let me elucidate.
Let's say at the Ballotting Station there are 2 parties vying for the seat. Party A and Party B. In every Ballotting Room of the Ballotting Station, both Parties must place a representative that will be watching the voters and comparing their information against their own voters list to identify that there are no phantom voters or people who is suspect. Then they make sure that every voter places their voting slips into the ballot boxes.
At the end of the day both representatives will tally the number of slips used against number of slip unused and total it to make sure that it equals to the number printed for the ballotting room. Every slip has a number and it must correspond to the numbers on the booklet. Booklets issued is at random. After both agrees that the number is accurate, it is then resealed by both representatives and it will continue to be accompanied by both representatives until it reaches the counting centre.
After all this control, checks and balances, it is almost impossible for additional slips to be thrown in as the numbers of slips will be more then number used. It is pure nonsense. Same goes with changing the slips with another. It is not possible for you to know what slips will be used for which ballotting room and even more impossible for you to know how many voters will turn up.
Only thing that I do agree with Bersih is to extend the campaign period and to allow every Party access to the media. That should be allowed. They have a right to be heard. But if they say anything seditious, that is on their head. EC must play a huge role to monitor everyone to ensure that the elections will be and remain peaceful.
Ok. I have said my piece.
What about Hindraf? I dare not repeat what they want but to even question the Independence of Malaysia is going too far. Do not blame others for ones own failure to develop ones own race. Where will it end? Should the Malays sue Portugal and then Holland for colonising Malacca for beginning the era of colonisation? Should we then sue Thailand for allowing the Japanese army to have unhampered entry into Malaya? Why not sue China for supporting Commnunist Party Malaya?
It will never end. If you are so angry with UMNO or BN don't discount the sacrifices that the people has gone through to achieve Independence. Just because one is angry with UMNO and BN it does not mean that UMNO and BN or the then Perikatan should not be lauded and placed on a pedestal for achieving a relatively peaceful Independence.
On the 50th Year of Independence to do such is really hitting below the belt and slapping us Malaysians in the face.