It have been a most uncertain week. This uncertainty does not bode well with the organisation. Morale is at an all time low and no one is sure what is actually going on. Important decisions are piling up with apparently no one to decide. I have often wondered what makes a man the man. If you know what I mean. At which stage of a person's life will it mostly affect his personality right up to his/her adult life. What makes a person who he is? For example at what stage did I become who I have become. I have a long way to go and what will I be? Questions, questions, questions. I am in one those moments where there is really nothing much to do. The draft report have been sent, the tender have been reviewed, strategies have been prepared for discussion, preparation for the trip is being prepared, the scorecard have been reviewed. What next? Ah I have that fraud seminar to attend next week, mum's birthday and the legal counsel forum next month. That's it?
I can feel it in my bones. A major change is about to happen in this organisation and I hope it is change for the better. No matter how much a person have contributed or how well he have performed when it is time to go it is time to go. Everyone should realise that. Be it leaders, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Chief Executives etc. Sometimes fresh blood and ideas may be good for a particular organisation but that person must have a clear idea and plan what he/she intends to do. Leading is not something adhoc and on the spur of the moment thing. It requires deep thinking, blue prints and a battle plan, much like winning a war or battle. As in wars the terrain changes and leaders have to be prepared and ready for such. Sometimes our allies will fail us, the support will not come and orders wrongly carried out. But as leaders we have to be prepared for that coming out with various scenarios and options to tackle various issues as it comes pouncing.
I have never heard nor read great leaders like Eisenhower, Muhammad, Napoleon, Saladin to cower in the hope that nothing will go wrong in the midst of a crisis or battle. The battle axe is long gone and our leader seems to have lost his nerve. I do hope that he will find his confidence soon if not make way and let us get on with our work and business. Sounds harsh and cruel but we have the bigger picture here. A whole organisation is at stake and not just the livelihood of one person. My question comes up again. How can some people be selfish and only think of his/herself? Was that nurtured through the ages? Just suddenly appeared? Some dastardly happening during diapers stage? If so I have to be more careful how I handle my son. Wouldn't do create to such an indent that makes him a poor excuse of a human in the future.
I can go and on and I probably will. But time to see what else needs to be done. I'll be back. Cheerio.
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