Sunday, June 11, 2006's the CUP

And no I am not talking about the chalice, the Holy Grail, the Sangreal. But a cup that is no less holy. The World Cup. Germany - Costa Rica. Classic football. England - Paraguay. Sad. Sweden - Trinidad & Tobago. Sadder still. Okay enough of that for now.
The other day managed to meet the number one in my corporation. It is indeed confirmed that he is leaving. On early retirement as he said. Can no longer stand the atmosphere and the pressure of having absolutely clueless lieutenants. He is a good man and I will be sorry to see him go. Wish I can do something about it. Especially him still being fairly young with a relatively young family. Wonder what he will do. Obviously he must continue working. Ah! The pitfalls of being in the corporate world that's full of political vultures (internal and external). I hope that I will not ned up that way too. Still a long way to go yet for me.
Looking at what's going on outside the corporation, it is no less intriguing. The brickbat being thrown by the old against the new is approaching fever pitch. Brickbats, brickbats and...its not personal....its business....Huh? Not sure what untold damage its is causing the nation and the economy. Ah Politics! The strange animal that seemed destined for extinction but instead its thriving warts and all. Used to be fairly active. Still is a ranking member in one of the branch but I don't know. Just cannot keep up with its continuing stupidity selfishness and self importance.
Just not for me I guess. Might as well concentrate on building up my career and ceevee. Okay Its Sunday. I am back in KL attending a seminar tomorrow and the next day. Tomorrow's mum's birthday, son is trying to get into typing this blog too. Thinking of taking mum out for Japanese. Later all.

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