Sunday, June 11, 2006

Mom's birthday

It's her 61st actually. We had lunch at this new great Japanese Buffet Restaurant, Shini Ci. The Manager Allex is a great guy. Definitely will go there again. Its an all you can eat thingy. Tonight's another Cup Extravaganza, Holland v Serbia & Montenegro. Should be a good one considering it will be the last time for Serbia & Montenegro to play since Montenegro have declared themselves independent. Next time you will only see either Serbia or Montenegro. Not sure how they will fare then.
Gave presents to Mum just now. As we normally do. Just a small do with the immediate family except Sis who is in Dubai. Speaking of which I myself will be leaving for Switzerland and the Caribbeans to settle some unfinished matters. Sometimes foreigners also need to be given a kick in the pants to get them to work. Not going just yet but if I do not have access to the internet I'll be rather quiet for a short while. Okay my son wants in on the act. I've to go. Catch you later.

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