Thursday, July 12, 2018

When was the last time I wrote?

It has been a long time since I last wrote here. I need to be more disciplined and prolific in my writing. I didn't realise this. The last I wrote here was in 2014!

This is terrible, I vow and declare today and now that I will write in here everyday. So here I am writing again. Why am I writing? Because that's what makes me feel better. There are times when I write in newspapers, or even Facebook.

I need a change of scene. I have been in my current job for over 2 and a half years now and I just feel it is time to move on. I am approaching 50 this year, in fact in just over a month. I have a lot to offer and a lot to give however there are very few options open for new employment once people reach this age. For one, some employers feel that we are at the end of our useful life and for others they feel that executives at our age is a little too expensive for them. Not just because of salary but also benefits especially with medical insurance, their premium will be higher because over 40s have entered the high risk zone.

When I last wrote, I was still in a Multi National Company. I was there for over 7 years. It's a lovely place to work, but they were facing difficult market conditions so the best thing to do was to leave. It helped them because they can hire someone cheaper and it helps me to explore other roles for me to play. I am still very much in touch with the CEO, my ex colleagues and even the former Chairman. I still deeply regret having to leave the place but there's very little that I can do.

What's the scene change I seek? I'd like to be a free agent, a free lancer but of course with something that pays because I still have bills to pay and a family to feed in addition to growing children. I can't recall what I wrote previously, anyway I have 2 lovely children, a boy and a girl. The boy is now a young man at 13 while the girl is approaching 10, growing to be a lovely young lady. While the boy is doing well in school with very little effort, the girl is struggling. She have a short attention span and previously had difficulty reading because she was diagnosed with dyslexia.

But the school is amazing. My wife's patience with her is amazing. So from not knowing to read, write and do maths, she is an avid reader now, not needing to read even the specially written books. She can write now and can even do her homework on her own. She have yet to get a grasp of the mathematics principle. So I am doing my best to make it interesting for her.

Without understanding multiplications, it will be tough for her to do fractions and more. That will be our challenge. However, I thank God that she is not autistic, like what some of my friends are facing, contending with children with autism but I still need to have the patience to manage her short attention span.

I will continue again tomorrow.

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